How SEO Has Evolved and Transformed in the Last 12 Years

Content quality: In the past, keyword stuffing and low quality content could be enough for SEO. However, search engines now prioritize higher quality and more informative content.

Mobile compatibility: As the use of mobile devices increased, search engines began to prioritize mobile-friendly websites. Therefore, having a mobile responsive website became a necessity for SEO. In 2015, Google announced that mobile-friendly websites would be ranked higher in search results, highlighting the importance of mobile compatibility for SEO.

Social media: Social media has become increasingly important in SEO. Social media shares and links can affect search engine rankings.

Local SEO: Local SEO has become an important factor in recent years. Businesses are using local SEO strategies to increase their visibility in local search results.

Search Algorithms: Search engine algorithms have been updated several times in the last 12 years. These updates can affect website rankings and lead to changes in SEO strategies.

Voice Search: Virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant have gained popularity in recent years. As a result, SEO strategies need to adapt to the natural language and speaking style people use for voice search.

Artificial intelligence: Google’s use of artificial intelligence technology, such as RankBrain, has improved its understanding of search results. This has allowed SEO professionals to develop more intelligent strategies.

These are just a few examples, but there have been many changes and developments in SEO over the past 12 years. As a result, SEO professionals must constantly monitor new trends and update their strategies.

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